Friday, October 30, 2009

Today is the day


So this is my first blog. I've just realized I am through with being the weight that I am now. I'm going to change everything starting tomorrow. I'm going to tell my family and a few of my friends. It's been too long that I have been putting this off. I'm still just 23 years old and I've been over-weight for a majority of my life. I need to enjoy the rest of my life and it's going to begin tomorrow.

I already have a gym membership, I'm just embarassed and shy to go back because of how fit everyone is and here I am. Also I'm a little lost on the weights and how to use them. I'm going to be assertive and ask questions. I'm not going to care what people think of me or judge me I'm doing this for me.

I've always been called cute and I'm tired of that also. I know I'm beautiful on the inside and I'm going to show it on the outside.

I watch Biggest Loser and I'm always so inspired by how they are all doing the wonderful accomplishments they are doing.

Anyways I'm ready to do this and I'm committed to accomplishing what I want to do.

I'm using the ;loseit' app on my iphone to keep track of my calories and etc.

Does anyone know any good strength training that I can start off at the gym? Or if there are any helpful youtube clips. It would be much appreciated.

I won't be able to start the gym till Sunday but than I'm going to go at least 5 days a week. I'm thinking 40 minutes cardio. I usually do elepitcal but I'm scared of the treadmill... I might wait another week or two for that.

Anyways I should sleep. But I'm excited to start this journey.